Sincerely Mochi ❤️

A newsletter about a mini rescue pup, going through fear rehabilitation and building up her bravery, and her humans, who are learning how to help her live her happiest life.

Meet Mochi 年糕 is a mini Korean Village Dog, Kishu Inu, American Pit Bull Terrier (!!!) mix, rescued by Korean K9 Rescue in South Korea. All we know is that her original owner used her to guard a chicken coop, and then sold her to a dog meat trader. That’s where she was ultimately rescued and brought to New York City for adoption.

I’m Sisi, and my partner and I adopted Mochi at the end of July in 2020. The rescue let us know right away that she’d need fear rehabilitation, and we’ve been working with her daily on her fear and bravery ever since — with the help of professional trainers of course.

The beginning of the fear rehabilitation journey was extremely difficult for us — scary, stressful, and emotional. One night, I realized that instead of trying to get through it myself, I could search for other dog owners who might be going through the same thing. Whenever I see other people also sharing their challenges as well as their joys, I feel a little less alone, and I hope that I can do the same and pass that forward.

We started documenting our journey on instagram right away, so please check it out if you’re interested: @sincerely.mochi. This newsletter is an experiment to see if there are moments where I need more than the Instagram caption length to tell our stories, and I imagine too, a place for me to share more broadly with people outside of Insta.

We hope you enjoy sharing this journey with us.


🐕 Mochi and 👩🏻‍💻 Sisi

Subscribe to Sincerely Mochi

A newsletter about a mini rescue pup, going through fear rehabilitation and building up her bravery, and her humans, who are learning how to help her live her happiest life.


Helping train a rescue dog to overcome her fears, build bravery, and live her happiest life.